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Member Since: December 28, 2006
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Comments to gluonium

MINK says...

I'm not so sure. These little details are blatant evidence of political corruption and you don't care? Maybe he's angry because a) it's blatant and b) people don't realise how important it is. If it was a 5 inch sticker would that be "important" enough for you? The point is they used public money, pretended it was their own money, and got around some important laws about not using public money to put your name everywhere. That pisses me off just as much as it pisses this guy off, and I have a life thanks!

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it means that someone who gives themselves a hysterical thrombo over a 2 inch sticker on a garbage can desperately needs to reevaluate their life's priorities

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What's that supposed to mean?

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time for someone to get a life

djsunkid says...

As moving as Nessun Dorma is (check the Pavarotti version that Woland linked, it's WAY more emotional), the song just absolutely pales in comparison to Sposa Son Disprezata that somebody sifted a while back.

I'm definitely not "into" opera, don't get me wrong- but this is the most beautiful thing i've heard in my life.

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I can't recall ever having cried from just listening to music or seeing a musical performance but I can't help just loosing my shit when I watch this!

JulesTEO says...

Hey, just to thank you for the traffic you've brought to my Mercury video, just as a references here's the views i've received from this site.

Sites Linking to This Video:
2191 clicks from
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I just made this account in order to post a coment under the video itself, since most ppl view it directly from the emmbeded player and not trough directly and most ppl just miss the comments already posted there

See you later!

James Roe says...

Hey gluonium,

Would you mind making a playlist of all of your science sifts. It would be nice to have them linked from a single place.


Hanif says...

If you click "links" beneath a YouTube video you can see the top five referring URL's to a video. I have you to thank for about half of the traffic it's received. Many thanks to you.

I'll start looking into doing a video about the Baloney Detection kit.

In reply to your comment:
ok, but which video was it?

Edit:oh, nm, found it, it was the logical fallacies one. good one! How did you know it was posted here? For future posts you might consider doing something on Sagan's baloney detection kit or something. all the current videos on that blow goats.

Clayton says...

Hey gluonium, the Z machine is getting new electrical circuits that will do away with the cool light show depicted in your avatar, kinda sad in a way, but good in so far as yeilded efficiency:

If you ever find a video of a test firing of the Z machine, prior to the upgrade, I would be eternally grateful, I've looked to no avail.

looris says...

good posts, i agree

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Why? why should people just accept that the societal norm is so juvenile and immature that everyone still gets thier knickers in a twist over every little 'shit'? Most other civilized nations have moved on, they've grown up, cursing on tv and radio is not puritanically censored, its simply accepted as part of the vernacular that adults use. I maintain that there is something DEEPLY awry about a nation that can't handle hearing the word fuck on television yet simultaneously has seemingly few qualms about entering into wars where hundreds of thousands of people die and then seeing this news delivered nightly on thier TV with trademark Kaite Couric smarm. Which is more vulgar?

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