Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'? - ICO


This girl has an annoying voice, and the video isn't funny, and the only part worth a chuckle is the very end with the old guy. I would have upvoted if it were just that part and nothing else. >_>


ForgeReality...maybe the video's main point wasn't to be funny? And ponceleon...it's the fact that they made the girl be blind and guided by a man that is annoying, instead of doing it the other way around.

It's almost laughable how dense most guys are when it comes to these issues since it doesn't concern them. I play loads of online games and love it, and there are many lovely guys on there that I've made lasting friendships with...at the same time...per one nice guy (meaning a man who knows that a girl is a capable HUMAN not a baby oven with tits) there are 10 douche bags telling me I'm gonna suck, and being rude and sexist towards me...(shutting up as soon as I reach top 3 on the scoreboard by the way) I agree with this vid 100%. MOST games and movies have damsels in distress and male heroes rescuing them, just another way for the male public to feel big. Most strands of Feminism's aren't about female superiority by the way, but about equality, I feel the word itself has been tainted to be shuddered at.

"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people." -Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler

"In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist."
—Gloria Steinem

Sorry to get all insulted and serious, but...people should think a little more, we do make up more than half of the population.


So...if a director wants to specifically tell a story about a young boy rescuing a young girl they have to go "Oh wait, I better not tell this story, it's fucking sexist"? You see this is equally ludicrous, so is the notion that for every "boy saves girl" story, the world needs to make a "girl saves boy" story. When a director wants to tell a story of a female lead, they will do that (e.g. Bayonetta, Samsus, Heavy Rain), the rarity of this occurrence doesn't mean that "damsel in distress" stories are sexist, it means not enough people with a different story to tell aspire to be game directors.

It's also laughable (and sexist) to lump "most guys" in to a generic stereotypical group but thanks, it's great being just a "guy", I feel super equal right now, that must be better than regular equality.

>> ^yourhydra:

ForgeReality...maybe the video's main point wasn't to be funny? And ponceleon...it's the fact that they made the girl be blind and guided by a man that is annoying, instead of doing it the other way around.
It's almost laughable how dense most guys are when it comes to these issues since it doesn't concern them. I play loads of online games and love it, and there are many lovely guys on there that I've made lasting friendships with...at the same time...per one nice guy (meaning a man who knows that a girl is a capable HUMAN not a baby oven with tits) there are 10 douche bags telling me I'm gonna suck, and being rude and sexist towards me...(shutting up as soon as I reach top 3 on the scoreboard by the way) I agree with this vid 100%. MOST games and movies have damsels in distress and male heroes rescuing them, just another way for the male public to feel big. Most strands of Feminism's aren't about female superiority by the way, but about equality, I feel the word itself has been tainted to be shuddered at.
"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people." -Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler
"In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist."
—Gloria Steinem
Sorry to get all insulted and serious, but...people should think a little more, we do make up more than half of the population.


This is a very typical "male victim" response. Maybe you should read things more carefully. Did I not say many guys online are great? How am I sexist for noting that I get harassed online for being a female? And of course you can make films about whatever you want...so it's just a coincidence that MOST films and games are men rescuing women, and not the opposite? I really don't understand the logic behind your argument. ALSO I didn't say any story with a damsel is sexist...all I was unhappy with was people criticizing this video for pointing out a truth about gaming story lines. I didn't even use the word sexist lol. Look who played that card. Anyways...yes I did say "most guys" only in relation to caring about these issues...because...well I've been alive for a while and that has been my experience. Correct me, but do you ever chill with your mates and discuss the struggle of the suffragettes, or unequal work pay...or how more young girls go missing around the world in one year than in all the 20th century wars combined? I doubt it.

>> ^yellowc:

So...if a director wants to specifically tell a story about a young boy rescuing a young girl they have to go "Oh wait, I better not tell this story, it's fucking sexist"? You see this is equally ludicrous, so is the notion that for every "boy saves girl" story, the world needs to make a "girl saves boy" story. When a director wants to tell a story of a female lead, they will do that (e.g. Bayonetta, Samsus, Heavy Rain), the rarity of this occurrence doesn't mean that "damsel in distress" stories are sexist, it means not enough people with a different story to tell aspire to be game directors.
It's also laughable (and sexist) to lump "most guys" in to a generic stereotypical group but thanks, it's great being just a "guy", I feel super equal right now, that must be better than regular equality.

<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> yourhydra said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="http://static1.videosift.com/avatars/y/yourhydra-s.jpg" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">ForgeReality...maybe the video's main point wasn't to be funny? And ponceleon...it's the fact that they made the girl be blind and guided by a man that is annoying, instead of doing it the other way around.
It's almost laughable how dense most guys are when it comes to these issues since it doesn't concern them. I play loads of online games and love it, and there are many lovely guys on there that I've made lasting friendships with...at the same time...per one nice guy (meaning a man who knows that a girl is a capable HUMAN not a baby oven with tits) there are 10 douche bags telling me I'm gonna suck, and being rude and sexist towards me...(shutting up as soon as I reach top 3 on the scoreboard by the way) I agree with this vid 100%. MOST games and movies have damsels in distress and male heroes rescuing them, just another way for the male public to feel big. Most strands of Feminism's aren't about female superiority by the way, but about equality, I feel the word itself has been tainted to be shuddered at.
"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people." -Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler
"In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist."
—Gloria Steinem
Sorry to get all insulted and serious, but...people should think a little more, we do make up more than half of the population.


Most movies and stories in general are sexist. Writers are predominantly male, and males writing for females is haardtm, so they make them weak damsels in distress, because that's easy to write and is eaten up by the male demographic.

When finally theres one of the few movies or games with a female lead, she's usually so over the top that she doesn't seem human - see lara croft. (Same with male protagonists though often.)

Real feminism is exactly what you linked, the notion that women are equal, and with that definition, I'd like to think that most people are feminists. Sadly, some people have feminism distorted to be "women uber alles!" or "you must have 50 % women hired, or you're a sexist" and that's not being equal.


You are sexist for generalising an entire gender to a 1 to 10 ratio of decent to dickheads based on a personal experience of a very limited pool of subjects, we can also tack on how that 90% is a mere joke. Excluding 10% of men in your great pile doesn't really balance it out. How about instead of grand statements of bullshit statistics you just leave all that out and focus on the actual point of your opinion? You did not just note "that I get harassed online", it was all the crap you added around it that I didn't appreciate. Also you don't need to use a word directly to imply it but whatever.

As you can see, I voted for this video. I only had issue with your tone. As for my point, it was merely that more people (female or male) who which to change the status quo of story telling, need to aspire to hold positions where they can make those changes. Though however that does not make the current crop a problem, they do not need to express what you feel if they don't please. The fact that the gross majority of stories do not involve a female lead is not the REAL issue and attacking at this level will change nothing in my opinion. I'll have to say I think your message changed in between posts but it's possible I've misunderstood your initial post.

Again I'll ask you please drop the generalisations. In fact I will correct you, I have many times discussed with my mates the subject of female history and the subjects that extend from that, it may give you a heart attack but there are men out there who can have intellectual conversations on a broad range of topics. I personally am a strong supporter of equality, though a part of equality is remembering not to make the same mistakes that were done to you.

>> ^yourhydra:

This is a very typical "male victim" response. Maybe you should read things more carefully. Did I not say many guys online are great? How am I sexist for noting that I get harassed online for being a female? And of course you can make films about whatever you want...so it's just a coincidence that MOST films and games are men rescuing women, and not the opposite? I really don't understand the logic behind your argument. ALSO I didn't say any story with a damsel is sexist...all I was unhappy with was people criticizing this video for pointing out a truth about gaming story lines. I didn't even use the word sexist lol. Look who played that card. Anyways...yes I did say "most guys" only in relation to caring about these issues...because...well I've been alive for a while and that has been my experience. Correct me, but do you ever chill with your mates and discuss the struggle of the suffragettes, or unequal work pay...or how more young girls go missing around the world in one year than in all the 20th century wars combined? I doubt it.


Jokes... you don't get them.

If you didn't notice, I was being sarcastic. I upvoted the video and found it quite funny. I was actually just trying to poke fun at it using the same brand of sarcasm that the video itself uses.

You fail at sarcasm. (and that is not meant sarcastically.... wait... maybe it is).

>> ^yourhydra:

ForgeReality...maybe the video's main point wasn't to be funny? And ponceleon...it's the fact that they made the girl be blind and guided by a man that is annoying, instead of doing it the other way around.
It's almost laughable how dense most guys are when it comes to these issues since it doesn't concern them. I play loads of online games and love it, and there are many lovely guys on there that I've made lasting friendships with...at the same time...per one nice guy (meaning a man who knows that a girl is a capable HUMAN not a baby oven with tits) there are 10 douche bags telling me I'm gonna suck, and being rude and sexist towards me...(shutting up as soon as I reach top 3 on the scoreboard by the way) I agree with this vid 100%. MOST games and movies have damsels in distress and male heroes rescuing them, just another way for the male public to feel big. Most strands of Feminism's aren't about female superiority by the way, but about equality, I feel the word itself has been tainted to be shuddered at.
"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people." -Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler
"In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist."
—Gloria Steinem
Sorry to get all insulted and serious, but...people should think a little more, we do make up more than half of the population.


saying for the third time...i never said most men are dickheads, I said most men don't care about these issues. just like most people in general don't care about anything of value. and yes i am female so i care, and i will take some things more seriously than others, that's called being human. ...I guess you're just above everyone and you are an exception, but if you assume there are MANY more people like you, you are naive. (this includes women who often don't give a crap either) i fully realize things are the way they are because it is men in charge of these mediums, and that's fair enough, but it's a bit sad that the only creative thing that comes out of western culture (generally) are big hero masculine action movies, with like it was said, over the top female characters, while many other cultures blur the lines quite a bit (like miyazaki films) anyways...pretty silly to accuse me of being sexist since 90% of my friends are male...and 100% of my partners are male and you get the point...and once again...since you missed it three times, I did not call anyone sexist, you did.

>> ^yellowc:

You are sexist for generalising an entire gender to a 1 to 10 ratio of decent to dickheads based on a personal experience of a very limited pool of subjects, we can also tack on how that 90% is a mere joke. Excluding 10% of men in your great pile doesn't really balance it out. How about instead of grand statements of bullshit statistics you just leave all that out and focus on the actual point of your opinion? You did not just note "that I get harassed online", it was all the crap you added around it that I didn't appreciate. Also you don't need to use a word directly to imply it but whatever.
As you can see, I voted for this video. I only had issue with your tone. As for my point, it was merely that more people (female or male) who which to change the status quo of story telling, need to aspire to hold positions where they can make those changes. Though however that does not make the current crop a problem, they do not need to express what you feel if they don't please. The fact that the gross majority of stories do not involve a female lead is not the REAL issue and attacking at this level will change nothing in my opinion. I'll have to say I think your message changed in between posts but it's possible I've misunderstood your initial post.
Again I'll ask you please drop the generalisations. In fact I will correct you, I have many times discussed with my mates the subject of female history and the subjects that extend from that, it may give you a heart attack but there are men out there who can have intellectual conversations on a broad range of topics. I personally am a strong supporter of equality, though a part of equality is remembering not to make the same mistakes that were done to you.

<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> yourhydra said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="http://static1.videosift.com/avatars/y/yourhydra-s.jpg" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">This is a very typical "male victim" response. Maybe you should read things more carefully. Did I not say many guys online are great? How am I sexist for noting that I get harassed online for being a female? And of course you can make films about whatever you want...so it's just a coincidence that MOST films and games are men rescuing women, and not the opposite? I really don't understand the logic behind your argument. ALSO I didn't say any story with a damsel is sexist...all I was unhappy with was people criticizing this video for pointing out a truth about gaming story lines. I didn't even use the word sexist lol. Look who played that card. Anyways...yes I did say "most guys" only in relation to caring about these issues...because...well I've been alive for a while and that has been my experience. Correct me, but do you ever chill with your mates and discuss the struggle of the suffragettes, or unequal work pay...or how more young girls go missing around the world in one year than in all the 20th century wars combined? I doubt it.


jokes are easier to get if they're funny

>> ^ponceleon:

Jokes... you don't get them.
If you didn't notice, I was being sarcastic. I upvoted the video and found it quite funny. I was actually just trying to poke fun at it using the same brand of sarcasm that the video itself uses.
You fail at sarcasm. (and that is not meant sarcastically.... wait... maybe it is).

<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> yourhydra said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="http://static1.videosift.com/avatars/y/yourhydra-s.jpg" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">ForgeReality...maybe the video's main point wasn't to be funny? And ponceleon...it's the fact that they made the girl be blind and guided by a man that is annoying, instead of doing it the other way around.
It's almost laughable how dense most guys are when it comes to these issues since it doesn't concern them. I play loads of online games and love it, and there are many lovely guys on there that I've made lasting friendships with...at the same time...per one nice guy (meaning a man who knows that a girl is a capable HUMAN not a baby oven with tits) there are 10 douche bags telling me I'm gonna suck, and being rude and sexist towards me...(shutting up as soon as I reach top 3 on the scoreboard by the way) I agree with this vid 100%. MOST games and movies have damsels in distress and male heroes rescuing them, just another way for the male public to feel big. Most strands of Feminism's aren't about female superiority by the way, but about equality, I feel the word itself has been tainted to be shuddered at.
"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people." -Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler
"In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist."
—Gloria Steinem
Sorry to get all insulted and serious, but...people should think a little more, we do make up more than half of the population.

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